These are background illustrations of a Pool.

School Pool

This background illustration depicts a school swimming pool at different times of the day.

Daytime Pool

Evening pool

Night Pool

Creepy Pool

This background illustration depicts a school swimming pool with an eerie atmosphere of darkness and red-tinted sky.

These are background illustrations of a Pool.Click the “Download” button below the image to start the download.

You can use it as a background image for games, websites, etc. Commercial use OK, no credit required, no permission needed. For details, please refer to the “Terms of Use” at the bottom of the page.

size – 1280px × 720 px
aspect ratio – 16:9

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Terms of Use

  • Commercial use OK
  • Personal use OK
  • Editing OK
  • Use for age-restricted works OK
  • No need to report or contact us
  • No credit notation required

※This is optional, but we would appreciate it if you could add a link or credit.


  • Redistribution or sale as material is prohibited.
  • Use of the Content is at the user's own risk.
  • This site shall not be liable for any trouble or damage caused by the use of the contents. Please understand this in advance.